NEDWORC Association is an organisation of professionals in the field of International Cooperation (Sustainable Development, Relief & Rehabilitation). The Association offers its members a forum for the exchange of information and practical experiences to raise their level of expertise and keep abreast of the latest developments in the field. The Association also offers information-services related to work and contract issues.

Membership of the NEDWORC Association implies endorsement of the following Code of Conduct, meaning members are committed to respect their fellow members, and be both professional and impartial when carrying out assignments with respect to:

  • the contracting party of the NEDWORC-member (referred to as his/her ‘client’);
  • the client’s partners & stakeholders and participants in their programmes (referred to as the ‘client’s customers’.


Members of the NEDWORC Association shall:

1. Respect fellow members

  • irrespective of age, sex/sexual orientation, gender/gender identity and professional experience;
  • welcoming all members, allowing them to feel comfortable being part of the Association;
  • acknowledging that all members and their diversities in all respects add value to learning and to the NEDWORC Association;
  • supporting knowledge sharing for strengthening members’ learning experiences;
  • being constructive with new knowledge obtained to improve outputs and outcomes in support of international development or otherwise;
  • report misconduct to the Board or person of confidence as appointed by the Association;

In carrying out any assignment, the members shall:

2. Act professionally

  • aspire to the utmost professionalism;
  • aim for objectivity, completeness and openness in reporting on the successes and failures of a project’s activities;
  • cooperate with other professionals when the implementation of an assignment so requires;
  • acknowledge all contributions of other organizations and persons to the success of the activities reported and/or undertaken;
  • inform the client promptly and correctly as to any barriers, inconsistencies or limitations to successfully completing an assignment;
  • be frank and open regarding their own qualities and limitations;
  • take their personal, their client’s and their client’s customers safety into careful consideration.

3. Act with integrity

  • implement their work with utmost integrity, transparency, respect and care;
  • ensure that all confidential information obtained within the scope of an assignment is handled correctly, with confidentiality and in line with contractual agreements;
  • refrain from behaviour that might harm the prestige of NEDWORC Association-members and other associated professionals;
  • be accountable to the client as well as the client’s customers;
  • actively avoid any conflict of interest, related to simultaneous assignments/clients or to their own interest;
  • report evidence or allegations of corruption, power abuse or fraud in current procedures within a client’s organisation.

4. Sexual harassment and misconduct
    Members commit to:

  • refrain from committing any form of sexual harassment, gender-based violence or other form of power abuse to anyone of any age under any circumstances or demanding free services from anyone, (clientele of relief or development programmes, community members, staff of clients, client’s partners and stakeholders, fellow consultants, etc.)
  • refrain from engaging in sexual relationships with
  • Minors/underage persons
  • Any person in a vulnerable and/or dependent position

5. Respect the client’s customers

  • be aware of the members’ role as an intermediary in a developmental process;
  • aspire to promote/benefit the interests of the assignment client’s customers, while paying due attention to gender and other existing in-equalities and fully supporting gender justice and equality;
  • respect local culture and customs, but not support or endorse (cultural) harmful practices; support the dignity of all; refrain from any discrimination in terms of class, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, HIV-status, disability, ethnicity and other diversities, and from misuse of power; and at all times respect all fundamental human rights as formulated in the UN charter and subsequent protocols like Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

6. Stimulate sustainability

  • promote social, financial and environmental sustainability;
  • contribute to (local) capacity development of both client’s partners, stakeholders and customers within the scope of the assignment to guarantee the sustainability of the intervention.

* Corresponding sanctions imposed are explained in the internal regulations