Boekworc discussie over ''If we burn' van auteur Vincent Bevins (2023). 'This stirring work is built around a single, vital question: How did so many mass protests in 2010-2020, worldwide, lead to the opposite of what they asked for?' - woensdag 20 november 2024 in Amsterdam

2411 boekworc if we burn a

20 nov 2024 | 'If we burn - the mass protest and the missing revolution'

Auteur Vincent Bevins (2023)

Over het boek
'The story of the recent uprisings that sought to change the world - and what comes next. From 2010 to 2020, more people participated in protests than at any other point in human history. Yet we are not living in more just and democratic societies as a result. "If we burn" is a stirring work of history built around a single, vital question: How did so many mass protests lead to the opposite of what they asked for?'

BoekWorc | 20 nov 2024 | 14:00-16:00 | in Amsterdam
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2411 boekworc if we burn