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nov 2018 | Gendergroep: Gender en natuurbescherming
In Papua Nieuw Guinea startte een nieuw natuurbeschermings project, waarin geld beschikbaar komt voor lokale communities, de legale eigenaren van de grond. Er werd besloten gender-eisen stellen als voorwaarde voor projectfinanciering. Mag dat? en wat zijn de ervaringen met dergelijke eisen in andere projecten?
dec 2018 | BoekWorc: 'Fixing Failed States'
BoekWorc discussie over 'Fixing Failed States - A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World', geschreven door Ashran Ghani en Clare Lockhart - dinsdag 11 december 2018 in Amersfoort
Uit de boekbespreking
'Het substantieelste wat dit boek biedt zijn de tien kernfuncties waaraan een moderne staat moet voldoen: (1) Rule of Law; (2) A monopoly on the legitimate means of violence; (3) Administrative Control; (4) Sound management of public finances; (5) Investments in human capital; (6) Creation of Citizenship Rights through Social Policy; (7) Provision of Infrastructure Services; (8) Formation of a market; (9) Management of public assets, both physical and intangible; (10) Effective Public Borrowing.'
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Over het boek
Today between forty and sixty nations, home to more than one billion people, have either collapsed or are teetering on the brink of failure. The world's worst problems--terrorism, drugs and human trafficking, absolute poverty, ethnic conflict, disease, genocide--originate in such states, and the international community has devoted billions of dollars to solving the problem. Yet by and large the effort has not succeeded.
Ashraf Ghani and Clare Lockhart have taken an active part in the effort to save failed states for many years, serving as World Bank officials, as advisers to the UN, and as high-level participants in the new government of Afghanistan. InFixing Failed States, they describe the issue--vividly and convincingly--offering an on-the-ground picture of why past efforts have not worked and advancing a groundbreaking new solution to this most pressing of global crises. For the paperback edition, they have added a new preface that addresses the continuing crisis in light of ongoing governance problems in weak states like Afghanistan and the global financial recession. As they explain, many of these countries already have the resources they need, if only we knew how to connect them to global knowledge and put them to work in the right way. Their state-building strategy, which assigns responsibility equally among the international community, national leaders, and citizens, maps out a clear path to political and economic stability. The authors provide a practical framework for achieving these ends, supporting their case with first-hand examples of struggling territories such as Afghanistan, Sudan, Kosovo and Nepal as well as the world's success stories--Singapore, Ireland, and even the American South.
"EIGHT years ago Ashraf Ghani and Clare Lockhart wrote a book called “Fixing Failed States”. Now Mr Ghani is in a position to follow his own advice. He is the president of Afghanistan, a state that failed in the 1990s and could fail again.
State failure causes untold misery. Broadly defined, it is the main reason poor countries are poor. Its chief cause is not geography, climate or culture, but politics. Some countries build benign, efficient institutions that foster economic growth; others build predatory ones that retard it. South Sudan is an extreme example of predation. Its politics consist of warlords fighting over oil money. The warlords also stir up tribal animosity as a tool to recruit more militiamen. The state makes Big Men rich while ordinary folk subsist on food aid." (The Economist, 5 Jan 2017)
'Fixing Failed States - A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World'
Ashraf Ghani en Clare Lockhart, oktober 2009 | Oxford University Press | ISBN13 9780195398618
BoekWorc - 'Fixing Failed States' van auteurs Ashraf Ghani en Clare Lockhart
dinsdag 11 december 2018 | 14:00 uur in Amersfoort
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