NEDWORC café met terugblik op de BuZa conferentie Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy 2023 (SFFP, 1-2 nov), mmv Thea Bongertman, Jan Reijnders en Christine Verheijden. Wat zijn de uitkomsten en aanbevelingen van de conferentie? en wat kun je er zelf mee in je werk? NEDWORC cafë op dinsdag 7 nov in de Kargadoor, Utrecht.
NEDWORC café, dinsdag 7 november 2023 in de Kargadoor, Utrecht
In het derde NEDWORC café keken we terug op de internationale SFFP Conferentie 2023 - Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy, mmv Thea Bongertman, Jan Reijnders en Christine Verheijden.
Thea gaf een impressie van het programma, wat aanleiding was tot een goede discussie en veel voorbeelden.
Enkele qoutes uit de conferentie:
- Emotion = Politics (and vise versa)
- Funders keep money away from feminist groups because of distrust & that’s total bullshit (Director Mama Cash when she mentioned that less than 1% of ODA goes to feminist groups)
- event pagina: BuZa | Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference
- download: Conference programme, keynote speakers and workshops (46pp)
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VIDEO Plenaire opening | Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy 2023: Women, Peace and Security
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VIDEO Pleanire sessie | Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy 2023: Financing Womens Rights and Feminist Movements
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Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference 2023 (SFFP)
1 & 2 nov 2023 | World Forum, The Hague
Aims of the conference - The main aim of the conference is to continue to give shape to feminist foreign policy and to get this policy on the agenda, both in the Netherlands and worldwide. The conference also aims to expand the network of like-minded countries and countries that actively pursue a feminist foreign policy. One of the main themes of the conference is resources. The event aims to call attention to the need for additional funding for women’s rights organisations and movements in the Netherlands and abroad.
Themes - In line with Dutch feminist foreign policy, the conference has four main themes:
- Rights - Women and marginalised groups all over the world must be able to invoke their universal rights and be safe from violence.
- Representation - Women and marginalised groups must be represented and meaningfully involved in political and social decision-making processes.
- Resources - There must be sufficient resources to implement feminist foreign policy. It is also important that women’s rights organisations and movements worldwide receive financial support.
- Reality check - Since conditions differ around the world and not every approach has the same effect everywhere, Dutch efforts must be adapted to the local situation. This also means verifying at various moments the policy impact and whether the right target groups are being reached.
Conference information and program
SFFP Conference 2023