Boekworc discussie over 'Capitalism, Alone'. Branko Milanovic, Servisch-Amerikaans econoom, analyseert de kapitalistische systemen in China en de VS, en de effecten daarvan. 'For the first time in history, the globe is dominated by one economic system - capitalism prevails'.

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1 juli 2020 | 'Capitalism, Alone: The Future of the System that Rules the World'
Branko Milanovic | 2019 | Harvard University Press

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Oxfam review:

"Branko Milanovic's new book brilliantly dissects the similarities and differences on China v US capitalism, but has a big blind spot on climate." "The starting point of the book is the ‘global victory of capitalism’ – ‘the entire globe now operates according to the same economic principles – production organized for profit using legally free wage labour and mostly privately owned capital, with decentralized coordination.’ ... Then he goes on to explore two broad branches of contemporary capitalism and the strengths and vulnerabilities of each. The two are ‘Liberal Capitalism’, epitomised by the USA, and ‘Political Capitalism’ in China."

BoekWorc discussie | woensdag 1 juli 2020 | 14:00-16:00 via Zoom
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