'Into the Unknown - Explorations in development practice' gaat over ontwikkeling als nieuwsgierige zoektocht, met co-generatie van kennis en ervaring en de uitdaging om te blijven leren en vernieuwen. BoekWorc bespreekt dit boek op maandag 4 september in Amsterdam.
'Into the Unknown - Explorations in development practice'
auteur: Robert Chambers
2014; 180 pagina's, ISBN 978 1 85339 823 0
Development is about change, and lives immersed in researching international development should be prepared for exploration, for discovering the unexpected, and for questioning the direction that ‘development’ is taking. Robert Chambers reflects on experiences, which led him to examine personal biases and predispositions, and he challenges readers to examine the pervasive significance of power in forming and framing knowledge. Into the Unknown reflects on the journey of learning, and encourages readers to learn from observation, curiosity, critical feedback, play and fun. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) have benefited from sharing practice, innovations and experience through participatory workshops. This book includes tips on how to lead and convene workshops that can co-generate knowledge and have an influence. Into the Unknown will be of interest to development professionals, including academics, students, NGO workers and the staff of international agencies.
BoekWorc - 'Into the Unknown' van Robert Chambers
maandag 4 september 2017 | 14:00 uur in Amsterdam
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