Praktijkvoorbeeld werken met Outcome Mapping mmv Noemi Bertomeu, als vervolg op LCOO over Assessment of Organisational Capacitites.

Werken met Outcome Mapping in een CSO netwerk

Noemi Bertomeu deelt haar ervaringen tijdens deze bijeenkomst van de Leergroep Organisatie Ontwikkeling (LCOO), op woensdag 7 juni:

"In continuation of the topic of a previous LCOO session on how to assess Organisational Capacitites, it would be highly interesting to share and learn together a long Action-Learning/ Participatory process that we have developed and implemented on an assignment carried out in 2014 and again in 2016 for a world-wide network of CSOs.  

The challenge of including Action-Learning in Organisational Development
We all know that trying to include some Action-Learning/ Participatory process into Organisational Development is key but not always the easiest. For decades, a lot of pre-defined Organisational assessments variables and methods have been developed (coming traditionally from larger organisational studies) and are being combined in our sector with impressive research and some well-known models like the 5C’s Framework from ECDPM.  

In the example I would love to share, we have used the Outcome Mapping approach and the definition of progress markers as an inspiration to define and have consensus upon Capacity elements that could be considered as key, for successfully implementing a program Theory of Change. And from there a specific OCA model has been agreed upon.

Outcome Mapping results presentated in a web-tool
As you all know  the  Action-Learning processes are contextualised and the methodological framing/model resulting from them can nothing else but be applicable to that concrete setting, but hopefully by presenting and sharing it with you, it might bring some insights and surely nice debate between all of us, counting with all your various and rich experiences in similar assignments. Moreover, as part of the OCA, a Mapping exercise on initiatives on how to monitor development partnerships was developed."

Meer weten? download de interactive web-tool: CSO partnership | mappingexercise

LCOO - Werken met Outcome Mapping in een CSO netwerk, mmv Noemi Bertomeu
woensdag 7 juni 2017 | 14:00-17:00 | Kargadoor, Utrecht

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Leergroep Organisatie Ontwikkeling (LCOO) komt regelmatig bij elkaar in Utrecht. Deelnemers leggen elkaar een intervisie-casus en actuele thema's voor. Centraal staat kennis en ervaring delen rond organisatie ontwikkeling, en onderling leren van elkaars inzichten - lees verder