20.03 | LCOO middag over de Capability Approach: What can a human capability perspective offer development project planners and evaluators, that they would not get from standard methods?

Leergroep Organisatie Ontwikkeling (LCOO) organiseert een middag over de Capability Approach

Karel van Hoestenberghe geeft een toelichting en verzorgt een interactieve sessie. Vooraf is er intervisie olv Hilde van Hulst.

Informatie over de Capability Approach

  • Download 'Approaching Development Projects from a Human Development and Capability Perspective' van Alexandre Apsan Frediani, Alejandra Boni en Des Gasper
  • 'The paper discusses the relevance of the human development and capability approach for development project planning, management and evaluation. With reference to the set of five other studies that it introduces, it suggests in which areas insights from human development-and-capability thinking offer advances and in which areas such thinking needs to link with and be complemented or corrected by thinking from other sources and traditions. The paper aims at capturing the learning from recent experiences and studies, both for project planning and for the human capabilities perspective.'

LCOO over de Capability Approach

  • datum: maandag 20 maart 2017
  • tijd: 14:00-17:00 uur
  • locatie: Kargadoor, Utrecht

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